While this website is made available for general informational purposes it is not intended to provide specific legal advice. The information we provide on our website should never replace the advice of a lawyer familiar with the specific facts relating to your particular situation. The information contained here is of a general nature and may not apply to your circumstances. You should never act or fail to act based on something found on this site. We encourage you to contact a lawyer immediately if you have been injured and you feel you may have the right to sue. Reviewing our website should not be viewed as having sought professional advice.
Keep in mind that legislation changes over time and even the interpretation of existing laws can vary following new court decisions. Although we try to keep our information accurate and current, the information provided here is subject to legislative acts and amendments; recent court decisions; the particular circumstances of a given case; and other factors that may render it inappropriate for your particular circumstances. While the content of this website may provide some general information, for any specific legal question always seek professional legal advice.
Contacting any lawyer at Mathieu Hryniuk LLP by any means whatsoever, including but not limited to telephone or electronic mail, does not constitute a solicitor-client relationship. Any e-mail correspondence entered into between you and an employee of our firm is not to be construed as legal advice, but merely as providing a vehicle to contact Mathieu Hryniuk LLP in a convenient way.
Electronic Mail is not always a secure way to send confidential information, therefore we caution you to only send non-confidential information to us unless otherwise instructed.